Starting with Candles

Starting with Candles

It all started with candles. 

Before I joined the candle-making workshop in Nov 2020, I never thought I'd fall in love in burning and eventually making candles. I was also "labeled" by my partner as someone who didn't understand the quality of life. I mean, I enjoy relaxing at my home with some good food, but what's the point of burning a candle that might catch on fire without proper supervision?!

Then I joined this candle-making workshop with my partner as a birthday gift for my partner. It was a short and sweet workshop. The instructor had everything prepared for us, the tools, the candle mould, and the melted wax, all we needed to do was to pick our dried flower, put them in there and then poured the wax in. 

It sounded simple, but the process was, surprisingly, revitalizing. Yes it's brain racking to think of what kind of flowers to put in and even what color of flowers blend well together (still is), but when I saw the finished candle, all frustration was gone and somehow I felt a sudden sense of peace and calm, and it's amazing to hold this creation of mine in my palms.

As in my partner's terminology, my quality of life has been "upgraded" since then. I signed up for more comprehensive candle-making workshops, the Aroma Candle Course by Korea Candle Craft Association (KCCA), CLAB Baking Candle by Craft & Design Lab, and Play the Color for Candle by Korean Design Craft Association (KDCA). I started making my own candles and wax melts, experimenting with different colors and fragrance oil and loving the process.

There are many trial and error taken place and I still have difficult getting great hot throw for every one of my candles but it didn't stop me from making unique ones for my friends and family based on my understanding and feeling of them and genuinely appreciate the craftsmanship of handmade candles,

My love for candles and wax melts didn't stop there. I noticed that candles are getting more popular these days and chandlers around the world are trying to get their design out there but experienced difficulties in the process, especially in the marketing part. That's why I branched out to candle/wax melt label design, thank you card and other complementary products which aim to support new candle start-up to put their products out there.

It all started with candles. And I look forward to continuing my new journey with candles being a part of it. 

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